Risk Percentage Calculator
Risk Percentage Calculator

Easily calculate your lot size by specifying the amount (percentage of your balance) that you are prepared to risk, the opening and stop loss price, account currency and currency pair.

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Multitarget Calculator
Multitarget Calculator

This calculator helps traders to plan what portion of their positions should be closed at certain target levels in order to gain the best possible Return to Risk Ratio.

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Pivot Points Calculator
Pivot Points Calculator

Identify support and resistance levels by entering the High, Low, Close and *Current Open Price for the time frame you are looking at.

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Pip Value Calculator
Pip Value Calculator

Find out the value per pip in your account currency by entering your account currency, the currency pair you are trading and your position size.

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Position Size Calculator
Position Size Calculator

Control your risk by calculating your position size with accuracy with our Position Size Calculator.

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Swaps Calculator
Swaps Calculator

The Swap Calculator helps you determine the interest you will pay or earn for any CFD position held open overnight, credited or debited directly to your trades and reflected in your account balance.

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Risk and Reward Calculator
Risk and Reward Calculator

Easily calculate your lot size by specifying the amount (percentage of your balance) that you are prepared to risk, the opening and stop loss price, account currency and currency pair.

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Fibonacci Calculator
Fibonacci Calculator

Calculate four basic Fibonacci support and resistance retracement values at 23.8%, 38.2%, 50% and 61.8%. Simply enter the high and low to get started.

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* We recommend you testing any Forex Tools in a demo account before testing/using in a live account.
